Matching Jewelry to your Personal Brand of Fashion

Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

Living in the 21st Century, fashion moves as quick as technology. You buy a shirt, and before you know it, it’s out of style. The same goes for accessories such as jewelry. So how can we gracefully pace our choice of jewelry to make us look great, authentic to our style, and fashion forward? In the next few articles we will break down practices of matching jewelry that are timeless to any era you’re living in. These practices will be broken down into four segments: Intro, colors, textures, and style of jewelry to match an outfit to help you really understand the art of fashion. So let’s dive in. 

Before you start thinking about your jewelry, take into consideration how you choose outfits based on your style, choice of colors, season, and occasions. If you see a pattern, you’re on the right track to understanding your personal brand of style. Now, look at your jewelry collection- do you see a relation in the pieces that you favor and own? If you do, it means that you tend to stick to one style, and if not, you probably change up your style frequently.

Now, how do you work with what you got? Or add onto the collection? Well two simple concepts that will forever change the way you look at jewelry are Blend and Pop. The clothes and jewelry you wear will fall on a spectrum of color and style that will either marry in holy matrimony, or create a revolutionary clash. Neither is more appropriate than the other, and there’s no obvious rule when it comes to style, as it is a form of self-expression. However, how consistent your presentation is in terms of the pieces you choose will determine your level of style more than the items themselves.

Photo by Georgia de Lotz on Unsplash

Both methods contradict each other, yet they are closely related as the stick to a central theme to flow throughout the look. When there is a consistency in your taste, your style is apparent. The same is true with inconsistencies with the look, which contributes to having “no taste.”

Once you understand how you like to arrange your pieces, your brand of style will show. This doesn’t mean that you need to stick to just blending or popping your outfit, it just gives you the fundamentals of putting together your outfit. You can change it up as much as you like as long as you stick to a theme.  Bohemian jewelry with plaid, super chic jewelry with Goth, and white gold on an all white outfit, all have the equal potential to look like a disaster or unique high fashion. It’s all in the level of execution. So stay tuned to discover how to pair your jewelry with your personal style!

Click Here to read Part 2- Color me Fine

Learn About our Blogger:

Lilliana is a local Los Angeles Artist and Creative.

Her experience in art and consulting has contributed to producing digital content writing blogs for Oro Central. 

Check out her work at Home | Lilliana Karadavoukian

Follow her on Ig  @kara_dvou

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